120 Spinnaker Place, Port Ludlow  View Map

Featured Artists – Port Ludlow Art League Members

During January and February, the theme for the Port Ludlow Bay Club’s art exhibit is Serendipity and a Favorite Piece. Often times, artists can visualize what they want to create. They plan their composition, select a medium, and carefully consider color and contrast. At times during the creative process, though, artists can become disenchanted with what they see, try something unexpected, and set their artwork aside. When revisiting the artwork some time later, it’s not uncommon for artists to see what they’ve started in a new light and unexpectedly know how to move forward. That’s serendipity!

This art exhibit is sponsored by the Port Ludlow Art League.

The Bay Club is located at 120 Spinnaker Lane in Port Ludlow. For more information on art exhibits at the Bay Club, please email Alan Ahtow at info@portludlowart.org.